Labor Commissioner Judgments
Do you have a
Labor Commissioner Judgment that has not been enforced?
Tired of waiting for the
State Labor Commissioner to attempt to enforce it?
Our secret to success is our Enforcement Team, which consists of Licensed Private Investigators, Experienced Legal Support staff, Registered Process Servers, and our retained California Licensed Attorneys. We will take an assignment of your Labor Judgment and Aggressively, Creatively, and Effectively enforce it!
When an Order, Decision, or Award (ODA) is in the worker's favor, and there is no appeal, the Labor Commission asks the court to enter an Order, Decision, or Award (ODA) as a judgment against the employer.
You have the right to Assign your Labor Commissioner Judgment to anyone for enforcement. The Court gave YOU the Judgment.
We have an 83% Recovery Rate!
Your Judgment is not worth the paper it is printed on...
Unless it is collected!